Archive | January, 2012

Becoming A Big Boy

25 Jan

Last night was the first night that Jaxson slept in his crib in his own room. He did great all by himself like a big boy, me not so much. I was up most of the night glued to the baby monitor, tossing & turning, and having an overall terrible night. I just wasn’t quite ready for him to hit this milestone. We’ll see how night #2 goes, but I’m hoping it goes a little better than last night and I can catch some worry free z’s! Here are a few pictures of Jax getting ready for his first night alone, sleeping, and waking up this morning.










Sunday Morning Lounging

23 Jan

Here are a few shots of our little family snuggling and being goofy on a Sunday morning.










Football Buddies

18 Jan

Now, I will be the first to admit that I am not a very big football fan…Okay, so I only enjoy watching the Super Bowl, but poor Dan likes football and gets really upset when I don’t want to watch the games. Well, now he has his own little built in football buddy to watch the games with! Daddy & Jax are very excited for the Ravens to go all the way (knock on wood)!



Just Like Daddy

9 Jan

Jax is getting so big, and looking more & more like Dan everyday. It didn’t quite fit him (obviously), but he looked so adorable with daddy’s hat on! Looks like he’s got lots of growing to do to be just like daddy one day.





4 Months

7 Jan

Here is our monthly photo with Ryan the lion. Jax is doing a much better job at sitting up while taking these pictures, which makes my job much easier! A little before Christmas he got cradle cap & lost all of his hair on top (only on top & he looked like a little old man) and I am happy to announce that it’s finally growing back!


4 Months

7 Jan

Here is our monthly photo with Ryan the lion. Jax is doing a much better job at sitting up while taking these pictures, which makes my job much easier! A little before Christmas he got cradle cap & lost all of his hair on top (only on top & he looked like a little old man) and I am happy to announce that it’s finally growing back!


New Discoveries

7 Jan

Jaxson has recently discovered that he has hands and feet, and he is completely fascinated by them. He’s not quite able to grab anything yet, but he likes to stare at them while he moves them around, it’s so cute! He has also learned that when a pacifier is unavailable he can just use his fist! He has recently discovered his tongue as well, & likes to mimic mommy and daddy when we stick our tongue out at him! Such a cutie pie! Just before Christmas Jax had lost all his hair on top (only on top, an he looked like a little old man) and I am happy to announce that it is growing back (slowly but surely)!





Diesel Doo

2 Jan

Last night we let Diesel in the house to see how he would do. For the most part I think he did pretty well. He was a bit restless and I think he just didn’t know what to do. He would lie down for a bit, then get up and walk around, then come back and lie down again. I was pretty proud of him though, he did excellent with Jax! New year, new start. Time to have the whole family together!





New Cousin

2 Jan

Congratulations to my Uncle Chris and his wife Menthie, as they had their baby today! Anthony Gabriel Gomes is an 8lb 10oz new year’s baby. So exciting that he is so close in age to Jaxson, it’ll be fun to see them play together when we visit family in Fort Bragg! Congrats guys!

A Good Start

2 Jan

Starting off the year with a healthy mindset. We took Jaxson on a walk today. It was a bit chilly & a little windy, but all in all a good walk. Here’s to a great start to what will hopefully be a great year.

